
An operation is a list of loans created by the same originator on the same date. Each loan can be given to a diffent borrower (this is not mandatory).

Creating an operation is fairly simple and the process is almost 100% automatic. You can use our API to register a new operation and to check the status of each of the loans.


When you register an operation, the following workflow starts:

  • We receive the data for your operation and we validate it.
  • We create a contract for each loan listed in the operation.
  • We request that the contract is signed by each interested party. This can be done by email or WhatsApp.
  • When all the required parties have signed the contract, we register the loan in our smart contract in the blockchain.
  • We then proceed to invest on the loan (this specific item is manual).
  • Once the loan has been invested with BRZ, we proceed to off-ramp the BRZ to BRL (if required) and trigger a bank or PIX transfer.
  • Once that is done, we send you a receipt by email.

Getting Started

In order to integrate to our platform, please contact us so that we can:

  • Discuss the details of your operations.
  • Define the signers and witnesses for the contracts.
  • Generate and send you your provider (originator) ID.
  • Generate and send you your template ID, which represents the content of the contract and how it is going to be filled with your operation's information.
  • Generate and send you a Bearer access token for our API.

API Integration

You can create a new operation by using our API, which is located:

Remember that in order to use the API you need to request a Bearer access token.

Create an Operation

An operation represents a group of loans. You can group loans by any characteristic that is relevant to you (for example loans given to the same merchant or loans given on the same day). You can also create operations with a single loan.

The endpoint to create a new operation is: {BASE_URL}/operation, and you need to complete the following information (an example is provided):

  "name": "Credit Session",
  "json_content": {"items": []},
  "operation_date": "2024-05-03",
  "template": 123, //Optional: fill only if you need to create a DocuSign contract
  "email_subject": "Please sign this", //Optional: fill only if you need to create a DocuSign contract
  "interest_rate": "0.065"

The json_content must include all loans that integrate the operation. An example is provided here:

      "company_name":"Company Name",
      "company_email": "[email protected]",
      "address": "Rua Rio 123",
      "zip_code": "12340-000",
      "city": "Ibiuna",
      "state": "SP",
      "bank_name":"Bank Name",
      "interest_rate": "0.065" //You can override the interest_rate from the Operation
      "fiscal_notes_to_anticipate_link":"Google drive link",
      "fiscal_notes_clients_link":"Google drive link",



  • The fiscal notes folders must have all the documents created before you create the operation.
  • Zip codes must be formatted with the 3 digits after the dash.
  • The interest rate must follow this formula: total_locked = loan_amount / (1 - interest_rate)

Retrieve an Operation

You can then retrieve an operation information by calling the endpoint {BASE_URL}/operation/

The states that a loan can have are:

0Not ProcessedLoan registered in our platform but still not processed
1Contract CreatedContract created for the loan with its information
2Contract SentSignature requests have been sent to all stakeholders
3SignedContract has been signed by the required signers (which may not be all)
4Created In DatabaseAfter validating signatures, the loan has been registered and is getting ready for being sent to the blockchain.
5Created In Smart ContractThe loan has been registered in the blockchain and is ready for investment.
6Paid In SCLoan has been invested in the smart contract
7Fiat Payment In ProgressFiat payment is being processed (to bank account or PIX)
8Fiat Payment Done, Receipt PendingFiat payment is done
9Fiat Payment Done, Receipt SentFiat payment is done and the receipt has been sent
10Fiat Payment Done, Receipt ErrorFiat payment is done and the receipt could not be sent. Extra information is provided.
11ClosedLoan was closed, and therefore has not been invested.
12ExpiredLoan expired before receiving investment.
13CancelledLoan was cancelled.
14DeletedLoan was deleted.
99ErrorAn error occurred in any part of the workflow. Extra information is provided.


Whenever a collateral (fiscal note, receivable, etc) has been repaid, you can inform us via the API so that we can process it accordingly. For this, you can use the endpoint {BASE_URL}/inform_repayment and include:

  • Item: JSON with all the fields from the collateral item being repaid.
  • Collateral Type: Type of the collateral.
  • Amount: Amount in BRL.
  • Due Date: Maturity date.
  • Receipt: Payment receipt file.