Fiat2Safe API Documentation

Welcome to the Fiat2Safe API documentation. This API allows you to interact with the Fiat2Safe platform programmatically, enabling operations such as creating swap operations, retrieving quotes, and listing supported blockchains and assets.

Base URL

All API endpoints are relative to the base URL:


All endpoints require authentication using a token. Include your API token in the Authorization header of each request:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN

Replace YOUR_API_TOKEN with your actual API token.

Available Endpoints

There are 5 endpoints available

  1. Create Operation
  • Endpoint: POST /api/operations/
  • Purpose: Initiates a new swap operation by generating a PIX QR code for BRL deposit and setting up the necessary transaction parameters.
  1. Get Operation Quote
  • Endpoint: GET /api/operations/quote/
  • Purpose: Retrieves a quote for a swap operation based on the specified BRL amount, slippage percentage, and desired output asset.
  1. Get Operation by Identifier
  • Endpoint: GET /api/operations/{identifier}
  • Purpose: Fetches detailed information about a specific swap operation using its unique identifier.
  1. List Operations
  • Endpoint: GET /api/operations/
  • Purpose: Retrieves a list of all swap operations associated with a specific Safe address. Optionally, filters can be applied using the user's CPF for enhanced security.
  1. List Blockchains and Assets
  • Endpoint: GET /api/blockchains-assets
  • Purpose: Provides a comprehensive list of all supported blockchains and their corresponding assets available for swapping.

Explore the Full API Reference

For detailed information on each endpoint, including request parameters, response formats, and example usages, please visit our comprehensive API Reference.