Private Pools

Companies with special financing needs and availability may leverage on Kona's infrastructure to offer new solutions for suppliers and buyers

In the proposed model, the buyer feature is primed to revolutionize the financial dynamics between the stakeholders involved. By setting up a private pool, buyers have the autonomy to increase their buying limits and extend payment timeframes, thereby fostering a healthy economic relationship with sellers. They can utilize either their proprietary oracle system or pre-existing oracles within the platform to ensure seamless transactions, adding a layer of trust and efficiency to the business processes.

Conversely, the seller feature provides a platform for sellers to secure additional guarantees and facilitate financial arrangements within their economic group, potentially bringing about tax benefits and aiding in the optimization of capital structures. The inclusion of utility tokens in this feature is pivotal, allowing sellers to access premium services and benefits on the platform. This creates a consistent buying pressure on the utility tokens, maintaining their value and fostering a community-driven approach to the developments on the platform.

Private Pool Features For Large Buyers


The objective of the buyer feature within this platform is to foster a seamless and advantageous business ecosystem where buyers can enjoy enhanced purchasing capabilities, customizable payment terms, and potentially better business relationships. This feature aims to:

1. Expand Buying Limits

By participating in the private pool, buyers have an opportunity to negotiate for extended buying limits, which can potentially facilitate larger or more frequent transactions, fostering business growth.

2. Flexible Payment Timeframes

The feature allows buyers to potentially negotiate more flexible payment timeframes with sellers, which can help in managing cash flows more efficiently and reducing financial strain.

3. Access to a Network of Verified Sellers

Through the platform, buyers can gain access to a network of verified sellers, ensuring a safer and more reliable business transaction environment.

4. Streamlined Transaction Processes

With the integration of technology and real-time data analysis, the transaction processes can be streamlined, making the purchasing process quicker and more efficient.

5. Promote Trust and Transparency

The feature is designed to promote trust and transparency in business transactions, with clear and accessible records of agreements and transactions, which can potentially reduce disputes and foster long-term business relationships.

Implementation Strategies

To achieve these objectives, the buyer feature will incorporate a range of strategies including the utilization of technology for real-time data analysis, integration with reliable oracles for verified information, and fostering collaboration with sellers for mutually beneficial agreements.

Note: The implementation strategies and subsequent sections will detail how these objectives will be achieved, including the functionalities and benefits associated with the buyer feature.

1. Utility Tokens (Kona Utility Tokens)


  • Selling companies purchase Kona Utility tokens to access the company-supplier financing infrastructure.

1.1 Token Purchase Incentives:

  • Infrastructure Access Fee: Suppliers buy tokens as a 'membership fee' to access the platform.
  • Priority Processing: Suppliers holding a significant amount of tokens get priority in transaction processing.
  • Exclusive Features: Special features/services are unlocked for suppliers transacting in Kona Utility tokens.

1.2 Maintaining Buying Pressure:

  • Recurring Membership Renewal: Access to the infrastructure requires a regular renewal fee, ensuring a steady demand for tokens.

2. Oracles: Integration and Verification

2.1 Choosing the Right Oracle:

  • Selling companies have the option to use their own oracles, pre-existing platform oracles, or a mix of both.

2.2 Information Oracles for Collateral Verification:

  • Despite the low risk as the buying company self-finances, third-party information oracles offer:
    • Audit and Compliance: Beneficial for internal checks and to meet regulatory standards.
    • Transparency and Trust: Provides confidence in the ecosystem and assures suppliers of a transparent process.
    • Error Detection: An extra layer to verify and prevent potential errors.

2.3 Leveraging Pre-deployed Oracles:

  • Using existing oracles provides:
    • Cost Efficiency: Reduces development expenses.
    • Proven Reliability: Utilizes validated and tested technology, minimizing risks.
    • Faster Integration: Speeds up the process by using established infrastructure.

3. Financing Process:

  • The buyer company (e.g., a major retailer) sets up a private financing pool for its suppliers.
  • Suppliers can access short-term loans from this pool against their invoices by interfacing the selected oracle(s).
  • The buying company self-finances these loans, thus reducing traditional financial intermediaries and associated costs.
  • On the due date of the invoice, the buying company reimburses itself, maintaining a closed-loop system.

Private Pool Feature for a Seller

A private pool feature facilitates more nuanced and potentially beneficial financial interactions between sellers and buyers. Here, we delve into two pivotal applications of this feature: enhancing guaranties from buyers and facilitating intra-group financing.

1. Gathering Additional Guaranties from Buyers

1.1 Objective:

To enable sellers to accumulate extra guarantees from buyers who wish to extend their buying limit and/or payment timeframe. This procedure can be augmented through the integration of various oracles.

Utility Tokens Usage in the Seller Feature

Using utility tokens within the seller feature can serve as a way to foster engagement, loyalty, and to facilitate various transactions and interactions on the platform. Here are several ways they might be incorporated:

1. Access to Premium Features

Sellers could use utility tokens to access premium features on the platform, such as advanced analytics, better rates on private pools, or access to premium oracles. This would encourage the holding and acquiring of tokens as a means to get more value from the platform.

2. Discounts on Service Fees

Sellers might receive discounts on various service fees within the platform, encouraging them to utilize the platform more frequently and helping to maintain a strong buyer pressure on the utility token.

3. Staking for Benefits

The sellers might have the option to stake a certain number of utility tokens to receive benefits such as lower interest rates on financing options, or a higher reputation score within the platform, which could potentially attract more buyers.

4. Incentive for Timely Payments

Utility tokens could be used as an incentive for timely payments. Sellers who adhere to the agreed payment timelines could be rewarded with utility tokens, encouraging a culture of punctuality and reliability.

5. Integration with Loyalty Programs

Sellers could integrate utility tokens into their loyalty programs, offering discounts or rewards to buyers who make purchases using these tokens. This could create a positive cycle where buyers are encouraged to acquire and use the utility tokens, thereby driving demand.

6. Access to Community-Driven Developments

By holding a certain amount of utility tokens, sellers could have a say in the community-driven developments of the platform, including voting rights on potential upgrades or changes to the platform's features.

7. Facilitating Cross-Border Transactions

Utility tokens can be used to facilitate cross-border transactions, helping to bypass traditional banking channels, and potentially reducing fees and transaction times.

1.2 Functionality:

  • Customized Agreements: Sellers and buyers can forge agreements where buyers can augment their buying limit and/or payment timeframe in exchange for certain guaranties.
  • Dynamic Risk Management: Leveraging oracles for real-time financial analysis and data verification, which assists in risk mitigation by continually assessing the buyer's creditworthiness.
  • Enhanced Trust and Transparency: A private pool can function as a transparent platform where all transactions and agreements are recorded, fostering trust between sellers and buyers.

1.3 Benefits:

  • Flexible Payment Terms: Enables the customization of payment terms, potentially leading to better business relationships and contract adherence.
  • Financial Fluidity: Allows for a smoother financial flow by potentially reducing payment delays and defaults.

2. Financing Intra-group Entities

2.1 Objective:

To allow a seller to finance various entities within their economic group, which might lead to tax benefits and assists in optimizing the capital structure.

2.2 Functionality:

  • Capital Rebalancing: Sellers can utilize private pools to shift capital among different entities within the group, assisting in maintaining a balanced and optimized capital structure.
  • Tax Benefits: Engaging in intra-group financing might unveil potential tax benefits, such as interest deductions or benefits from tax treaties, helping in efficient tax planning.
  • Streamlined Financial Management: Simplifies financial management by centralizing capital allocation and redistribution within the group.

2.3 Benefits:

  • Tax Efficiency: Potentially enables entities to achieve a more tax-efficient structure through careful planning and execution.
  • Financial Synergy: Creates an environment where different entities within the group can benefit from the financial synergy, leading to overall group prosperity.
  • Capital Structure Optimization: Assists in achieving an optimized capital structure that aligns with the group's strategic objectives and risk profile.


By establishing a private pool, sellers can explore new dimensions in financial management, either by fostering more fluid and trustful relationships with buyers or by optimizing the financial structure within their economic group, potentially leading to a range of benefits including tax efficiencies and improved capital flow.