
This is a Staking smart contract in which users can lock their KonaTokens to participate in the system and be able to vote for Oracles so that they can receive funds.

Furthermore it keeps track of the votes/the staking and the slashing after distribution by saving the ratios in mappings.

mapping(address => uint256) public stakedBalance;

This mapping keeps track of the staked balance of each user.

function stake(uint256 _total)

This function allows users to stake a certain amount of tokens.

function unstake(uint256 _total)

This function allows users to unstake a certain amount of tokens.


Voting related mappings

We decided to have those mappings to avoid looping over arrays to get certain values.

 mapping(uint => mapping(address => mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)))) public votesCyleUserPoolOracle;

This mapping tracks the total votes per oracle - cycle -> user -> pool -> oracle -> votes

mapping(uint => mapping(address => mapping(address => address[]))) public votesCycleUserPoolOracles;

This mapping tacks a list of oracles in a pool that a user voted for in a cycle - cycle -> user -> pool -> oracles

mapping(uint => mapping(address => address[])) public votesCycleUserPools;

This mapping tacks a list of pools that a user voted for in a cycle - cycle -> user -> pools

mapping(uint => mapping(address => mapping(address => uint))) public userCyclePoolVotedAmount;

This mapping tracks the total amount of votes used by the user per pool in the cycle

mapping(uint => mapping(address => uint)) public totalVotedPoolPerCycle;

This mapping tracks the global total amount of votes a pool received in the cycle

mapping(uint => mapping(address => mapping(address => uint))) public totalVotedPoolOraclePerCycle;

This mapping tracks the global total amount of votes an oracle in a pool received in the cycle

mapping(uint => uint) public totalVotesPerCycle;

This mapping tracks the global total amount of votes in the cycle

Reward Mappings

mapping(uint => mapping(address => mapping(address => int))) public rewardPerOracleRate;

This mapping tracks the rewardrate per balance of pools - cycle -> pool -> oracle -> rate - 1e18 base.

This rate can be positive as well as negative. A negative value would indicate that the oracle lost and the users will get slashed

mapping(uint => uint) public inflationRewardRateCycle

This mapping tracks the InflationRewardsRate with the accuracy base of 1e18.

User Mappings

mapping(address => uint) public userLastUpdated;

This mapping tracks the last cycle the user stake was updated

mapping(address => uint) public userLastUpdatedLPReward;

This mapping tracks the last cycle the user lpReward was updated